
Wednesday 8 September 2021

Tech Post


Today we had tech class on goggle meet.I am in cooking class and today we got to make egg pasta.when I had finished I made pasta cabonaria which is Pasta,Chesse,bacon,onion and milk this is the outcome hope you could try it for yourself.


  1. Hi Tali, this photo is making me feel hungry especially as absolutely love cabonara! Mr Cox does the cooking at our house so I'll have to ask him to make some for me! Is it fun doing cooking online?

  2. Kia Ora Tali My name is Olivia from Belfast School,
    This dish looks so yum I would love to try and make it one day because I love pasta.
    My syndicate goes to tech too but in the first term I was in cooking class.
    Maybe next time you could check your spelling and capital letters, but there is only 2 mistakes.
    Well done!

  3. Delicious cabonara cooking Tali. :)
