
Wednesday, 17 November 2021






Wednesday, 10 November 2021


 Black robin - Wikipedia

The New Zealand Black Robin is in danger of extinction again.

In 1976 there were only 7 Black Robin left, but the numbers grew to over 280 birds across both Mangere and Hokorereoro/Rangatira Islands in the early 2000’s.

However, recently conservationists have noticing a troubling trend – there are just 30 birds on Mangere Island.

Recently, there have been more males than females and not getting many juveniles on the island.

New Zealand’s Department of Conservation have been forced to hold a consultation with iwi and imi (Moriori tribe) to discuss the black robin recovery programme.

The Black Robin

The black robin is endemic to the Chatham Islands and is now confined to the southern extremity of its former range.

It is a quiet, confiding forest-dweller, alert and almost always active in the lower forest strata. Birds are commonly attracted to human presence.

Black robins are closely related to New Zealand’s other Petroica species (tomtit, and North Island and South Island robins). All are descended from Australian Petroica ancestor

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article? New Zealand’s Department of Conservation  and Black Robin birds

2. What was the key event from the news article? This Article is about Black robin bird about to be extinct.

3. Where did this event take place?  This took place in 1976 and early 200’s

4. When did this event take place? This Article was wrote on November 7 2021 

Thursday, 4 November 2021

PUMPKINS/Writings T4

 Every October, families rush to pumpkin patches to pick out the perfect gourds. Some use them to carve spooky jack-o'-lanterns, while others place them outside their homes as decor. Unfortunately, the fascination with the colorful fruit fades once Halloween ends, and most pumpkins end up in the trash.

A 2020 poll conducted by the UK-based non-profit Hubbub found that over fifty percent of the 24 million Halloween pumpkins that British citizens bought that year were destined for the landfill. Things are no better in the US, where about a billion pounds of pumpkins get tossed out and left to rot in landfills annually. In addition to the massive amount of food waste generated, the rotting fruit also emits large amounts of methane — a greenhouse gas even more potent than carbon dioxide. Fortunately, this pollution problem is easy to solve. We can all help eliminate the food waste by keeping the edible portions of the fruit during carving. Roasted pumpkin seeds make a nutritious snack, while the flesh can be transformed into a delicious soup, a tasty puree, or a lip-smacking pie.

Once Halloween is over, drop your jack-o'-lanterns at a local compost collection center if possible. Better still, see if your city or town hosts a pumpkin smashing event and have fun tossing yours on the ground with your friends. Don't worry, the remains will be collected and composted once all the gourds have been smashed.

There are many other ways to ensure the fruit does not end up in landfills. Fill your hollowed-out pumpkins with grains and leave them in the yard or hanging from a tree for birds, squirrels, and other garden critters to enjoy. If your pumpkin is too far gone to salvage, bury it in your backyard — your garden will be all the happier for it.


 This is me answering quistions for long division with reamainders below will be the quistions I answered

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Auckland Primary Schools to open mid November?


Auckland primary schools could be resuming face to face teaching in mid-November the government has announced today.

Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said the indicative date for students to return to primary schools and kura is 15 November.

However, he did stress that this could change, and more work needed to be done for years 9 and 10.

He said that schools look to developing a roster system and maximising time outdoors. Year groups may end up attending on different days to keep numbers down.

Hipkins said decisions about sending some pupils back to school were among some of the “toughest he has had to make as a minister”.

Tuesday, 19 October 2021



  1. I am A Proud Tongan

  2. I am a son of GOD

  3. I Love myself

  4. I can do it

  5. I am Enough


  7. I am ME

  8. I am Confident

  9. They got my back

  10. I am a gift

  11. I am amazing

  12. I am beautiful

  13. I am meant to be 

  14. God is with me

  15. I got the BEST of friends

  16. My fam Loves me

  17. I love my Fam

  18. I am Stunning

  19. I'm a Leader

  20. I'm the Deputy head boy

  21.  I am Blessed

  22. I’m Tongan

  23. This is me

  24. ESHAY!

  25. I’m inspired

  26. I GLOW

  27. Im HUMAN

  28. I got my whole life ahead of me

  29. I'M THE MAN

  30. I’m a SON.

Monday, 18 October 2021



                              FACTS ABOUT NIUE ENJOY

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Tech Post


Today we had tech class on goggle meet.I am in cooking class and today we got to make egg pasta.when I had finished I made pasta cabonaria which is Pasta,Chesse,bacon,onion and milk this is the outcome hope you could try it for yourself.

Ta'ovala TLW 2021


Today our task was to wire about the Tongan Ta'ovala me and Benjamin Kava work on this together he posted his one on his blog Hope you enjoy our Work.

Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Monday, 23 August 2021


This shows how to work out frations of percentages.

Thursday, 19 August 2021


Today for read 2 self and read 2 somone I read Wonder, Wonder is about a kid that was born with Treacher Collins syndrome,Treacher Collins syndrome is a rare genetic condition that affects the way a child's face develops, especially the cheekbones, jaws, ears and eyelids. People bully him from his apperence but he finds a true friend named Jack will. This story says to never judge somone from the apperence.

Home Learning T3 Maths

 This Is how to Turn Fractions into Decimals 

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Cycle Safety

On Monday 16 of August my Class had the opportunity to have a ride on our school bikes during class time.First off we had to make sure we where safe to make sure that our helmets were correctly placed on safly.After that we had a test who could drift the furthest from one push on the bike.Lastly where allowed to bike one lap around the bike track it was a very fun experience. 

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Maritime Museum

 On April 12th the senior school went to Maritime Museum in my group we went on a really waka it was called Hau Nui and the type of waka was a Hau Rua meaning double Hau/Hulls I got to starer the waka with my friends and that was the highlight of the day.


Thursday, 8 April 2021

Thursday, 4 March 2021

The Princess of Mt. Ledang


March 4 2021 Dear life

 March 4 2021

Dear life 

You are so great, every morning when I arise in the refreshing air I take you for granted but now I am going to show some Gratitude so this is for you.

1. I am Alive. I am so blessed to be breathing on this beautiful earth at this moment,I am so Honoured to have my wonderful life and family.

2.I am so thankful for my health,my family's health.I am thankful to be healthy with this concealed nemesis.We all pray to our heavenly father to take care of us and our loved ones.

3. I am so glad to have the Opportunity to have A great family and they look after me and take care of me and my brother.I am so grateful to be good at sport and to be proud of my culture.

4. I am thankful to have great people in my life, like Mum,Dad,Mason,grandma,grandpa,cousins,uncles,aunties and friends. Those are the people that make me me.

5. I am so blessed to have gone through the hard times because it only makes me stronger and makes me want to do more great things in life, and only makes me want to be the best I can Be.           

                                        #Be Grateful #LOVE THE LORD            

Monday, 1 March 2021

Hinemoa and Tutanekai


Exponents monday task

6.43 - 3.95=(3.95+0.05=4.00) (6.43+0.05=6.48-4.00=2.48
5.77 - 4.95=(4.95+0.05 = 5.00) (5.77+0.05=5.82-5.00=0.82
6.34 - 3.97=(3.97+0.03 = 4.00) (6.34+0.03=6.37-4.00=2.37
4.54 - 4.96=(4.96+0.04=5.00) (4.54+0.04=4.58-5.00=-0.42
7.23 - 4.97=(4.97+0.03=5.00) (7.23+0.03=7.26-5.00=2.26
4.62 - 5.95=(5.95+0.05=6.00) ( -1.33
4.34 - 2.98=(2.98+0.02=3.00) (4.34+0.02=4.36-300=1.36
6.64 - 4. 97=(4.97+0.03=5.00) (6.64=0.03=6.67-5.00=1.67
4. 35 - 1.98=(1.89+0.02=2.00) (4.35+0.02=4.37-2.00=2.37
6.23 - 5.99=(5.99=0.01=6.00) (6.23+0.01=